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All applicants, please read the following:


--Application are due at 11:59 pm EST on September 15.

--By applying to our team, you understand that if selected, as long as you are a part of our team, you will not be able to publish with us.

--Please submit your application in Times New Roman, 11-12 pt. font.



--Before applying to the Shade Journal, familiarize yourself with our mission and our journal. Please find the descriptions of available positions below:




Applicants must have a firm knowledge on poetry and craft. They will be responsible for reading submissions during the allotted time given. They will comment, vote, and discuss submissions thoroughly while keeping in mind our mission. They respond directly to the Poetry Editor (currently the Editor in Chief).




--Must be a queer person of color or woman of color
--Must be willing to read 2-3 hours per week


Application: Send the following to the Editor in Chief, Luther Hughes (, with the subject: POETRY READER APPLICATION, by the time and date mentioned above:


--1-2 page statement explaining why you are interested in this position




--Position pays $50 per issue




Applicants must have a cohesive knowledge on poetry, craft, and reviewing. They will be responsible for writing a book review to the book of their choosing. They respond directly to the Poetry Editor (currently the Editor in Chief).




--Must be a queer person of color or woman of color
--Must be willing to write a 700-1000 word review


Application: Send the following to the Editor in Chief, Luther Hughes (, with the subject: BOOK REVIEWER APPLICATION, by the time and date mentioned above:


--1-2 page statement explaining why you are interested in this position




--Position pays $50 per issue



Please address all questions and inquiries to

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